Invisalign Provider

Invisalign is a relatively new orthodontic system when you consider how long dentists have been moving teeth with conventional braces! What most times is not discussed is the importance of correcting crowded teeth for the sake of periodontal health (healthy gums and bone) as well as an attractive smile. Remember beauty and health should be the goal. A beautiful smile is a healthy smile!

Invisalign consists of a series (sets) of computer-generated, plastic trays or "aligners" that are worn for only two weeks then the next set is placed again for a two-week period. These aligners are clear, therefore completely undetectable preventing any embarrassing moments professionally or socially. The computer software determines the beginning and final position of teeth and each set of trays weeks move the teeth a certain amount to that final position until the end result is obtained. The last tray becomes your retainer, therefore are no additional costs at the end.

The duration of treatment can be from as little as five months to as long as one year for mild to moderate crowding. Of course, compliance is a strong factor in determining the duration of therapy.

These trays are worn for 20-22 hours a day and taken out only for meals and daily oral hygiene.

"Smart Track Aligners” are a newly designed, softer aligner making placement and removal much easier.

"Success-stories” Follow as Katrina reflects on the end of her Invisalign treatment and looks forward to the future with a beautiful new smile. Click here to watch her full Invisalign story.

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8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-6:00 pm





